How to hear from God |
Across many centuries and dispensations even through scriptures, it has been the act of God to communicate and commune with man. God led Abraham, conversed with Moses, even fellowshipped with Adam. These men heard from God. In diverse ways, He has always reached us across time.
Hearing from God starts with a good relationship with Him. As Christians and children of God, it's important we hear from God for directions, blessings, and edification. Romans 8:14 says "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." A healthy and right relationship with God pave way for His direction. Check out the life's of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, the Apostles e.t.c. Remember Adam and Eve were cut off after what happened in the garden, relationship is key to hearing from God.
We can also hear from God through prayers. Peter saw in a vision while praying to get the gospel to gentiles. Jesus our savior advise us on several occasions to always pray and not to faint. Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica to "pray without ceasing." James
5:16b says "..., The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
God speaks to our minds, Kenneth E. Hagin made emphasis in one of his books that the Lord does not only speak to his children through prophecies or voices alone but also leads them by an inner witness. You can hear from God as he has placed through your mind. He is speaking to you giving directions.
In different times the Lord has reached his people through dreams, prophecies, visions, and his voice. Hearing from God helps us to know the mind of God and to walk in His plan for us. Across scriptures, great men have heard from Him and made exploits. Don't be deceived: everything that proceeds from God aligns with the scriptures. His words correlate and give the right direction.
Samuel A. Okoosi