How to know the person to marry
Wedding Picture

1. The right person is not who you want, but who you need. 

Some ladies want men that are tall, dark, rich, and handsome, while some men desire women that are endowed back and front, and she's fair and beautiful. 

Whereas, the person they need is the one that would support, love, understand, and give them the rest of mind, now and in the future.

2. The right person will not be perfect but trust me, they are the perfect match - suitable help meet or helper as it were - your destiny needs.

3. The right person will complement and complete you, they won't compete, confuse or contend with you.

4. God may not give you the right person in the package you want because the hidden things of God are shrouded in a mystery.

5. The right person may not come from your tribe, church, or denomination because God has His children in different parts of the world.

6. When you are with the right person, you will enjoy the peace of God that does not come from emotional bliss, but the peace that passes all human understanding.

This peace comes when you are not anxious about finding the right person, but you have prayed your way into the right place where you would find the right person.

7. You will not know the right person when you jump from Mercy to Jennifer, or from John to Justus in a dating relationship. It would be easy to recognize him or her when you have a personal relationship with God that is sustained every day.

8. Don't have an idol in your heart when you pray for the right person, trust in the Lord in all your heart, and do not lean onto your understanding.

9. Ladies, don't worry about finding the right person. Build capacity and let God use the order of time and season to bring you to the right place where you will find the right person.

10. God is still in the business of matchmaking His children. Don't believe He stopped because Adam blamed Him. If Adam failed, with Jesus and the Holy Ghost in you, your marital success is certain.

11. It takes patience to marry right. You need the patience to enjoy your marriage. And in fact, you need the patience to marry the right person. You know why? Many wrong persons would come with the attitude of the right person, but inwardly, they are wolves in sheep clothing.

12. You can marry anybody you want without God. But without God, you can't find or recognize the right person.

13. Many assess the right person based on their physical appearance, personality impression, or material possession, financial worth, or spiritual charisma.

Some religious brethren want those who have spiritual gifts, walking in the anointing, and commands territorial or global influence like Apostle Joshua Selman. 

While all these may not be bad, but would they complement your life and destiny? Can you manage a partner of their nature?

14. You need to be born again to know the right person because your flesh (carnality) will mislead you. To be born again is not a title, it is a lifestyle of those who are influenced by God's word and Spirit.

15. You are a step closer to recognize the right person when you have discovered God's purpose for your life and you are busy fulfilling it.

16. On finding the right person, don't ignore the place of divine timing. That you are ready does not mean He is ready. While you wait, keep building capacity.

17. Don't seek the right person through physical observation, you need revelation from God before you observe if what you saw was true.

18. One area you should not joke with to identify the right person is your spiritual life. How sensitive you spiritually determine your ability to recognize them.

19. Do not leave the responsibility of knowing the right person to your pastors, mentors, or parents; be fully involved because they won't be there when the issue of life comes.

20. While waiting for the right person, embrace sexual purity - within and without - and deal with any issues you may have that would affect your marital union.

21. When the right person marries the right person, and they apply the right marriage principle, and with the involvement of the right person, their marriage will succeed. But when the right person marries the wrong person, such marriage will be an endurance trek. 

22. There's a place where you'd find the right person, and there is a place where you'd never meet the right person. Ask God to order your steps to the right place.

23. Becoming the right person has nothing to do with your physical appearance, personality impression, financial worth, spiritual charisma, or material possession. It has a lot to do with your heart, who you are becoming, who you are, your understanding of marriage, and your knowledge of the opposite sex.

24. The right person will not demand sex from you, they might be tempted to ask for it once, but they won't compel you to engage in it outside the right place - marriage.

25. Marrying the right person does not mean there won't be challenges in marriage, but two of you would be willing to make it work.

26. What makes a person right has nothing to do with their financial worth, material possession, physical appearance, or their personality impression; a person's rightness is a function of the condition of their heart towards you (now and in the future), their suitability before God and their understanding of marriage plus their determination to stay married come what may.