Osifo Joe |
One of the dangers of today’s church is to confuse church growth as the goal for ministry. Why are we now hearing these days that pastors are being sacked or forced to resign?
What is the cause of this incredible fallout? Does that not scream out that something is fundamentally wrong? Men seem to have usurped the place of Christ as the builder of the church.
I believe this deception crept in when men with all their vast human and financial resources being poured into their church growth programs began to assume they can play the role of the owner of the church.
Men have always thought if they could have more parishes, build bigger cathedrals and run many services on Sundays, they will be able to achieve the goal of growing the church.
All of these has helped to explain the anomaly that over a short period of time several billions have been expended in raising gigantic cathedrals and dedicated to the same God that said, “I don’t live in temples built with human hands”.
We forget to take note that in the first three centuries, churches were planted and prospered without buildings, structures, or programs.
Christianity spread like fire across the entire Roman Empire and beyond. Men and wen were won by their thousands as the Holy Spirit presided over this fledgling movement, empowering and directing its expansion.
They knew nothing of modern day demographics, target marketing or communication techniques.
But they knew the person of the Holy Spirit. They did not preach “come to our church , and fill a visitor’s card” what they did preach was, “come to Jesus and experience the kingdom”.
Because of the confusion of what the goal of the church is now, churches are becoming more and more engrossed in marketing. As it is, church is seen as business that must make profits like every other corporation.
For this reason, there’s a virus of performance that have invaded the church and it is systemic. This virus have infected the entire church community-the pastors, congregations, denominations and ministries.
Sadly, this virus was contracted from the surrounding culture. In a goal- oriented, task driven culture,we are programmed to achieve for approvals and rewards.
Therefore achieving goals- increased attendance, more tithes, more churches planted,more ‘conversions’, more money,more programs,etc. All of these fill our sense of value.
Since the path to pleasing the system is now determined by achieving a set of performance, all your activities are geared towards achieving this goal. Whoever falls below the corporate standard is either booted out or forced to quit.
Mind you, God is never impressed by the symbols of human power- ministry titles or position, church buildings,technology or the car we drive. Neither do our achievements impresses him.
If you must know, church growth is only but a reward. Unfortunately Men are making idols out of this because they have taken it upon themselves to be the one to drive church growth.
This is the modern idolatry that the modern church subtly worship. This is the reason I believe nations and societies are not experiencing the true move of God.
What should then be the one goal of the church? Like Paul, our goal should be “to know Christ” and make him known to others.
Knowing Jesus intimately is our life purpose. This is the fundamental shift the modern church is expected to make.
When we lead people in this path of divine destiny God by himself will draw men unto himself. It is Him that will reward us and not our effort with church growth.