A Man Receiving a Surprise Call from His Helper
 There is a great mystery behind the creation of several human being on earth, God knew that man will definitely need the service of another for an easy manifestation. This person may be a destiny helper.

Hence the ministry of Helpers. It didn't start today, it started long ago in the garden of Eden.

It is recorded in the book of Genesis that God saw the need to create a helper for Man. Adam was created in God's own image and it was as if he was perfect and needed nothing more. That's not withstanding, God knew that there was a space to be filled.

God after creating Man, knew he wouldn't be able reach his full potential working or living alone, that lead to the creation of a HELPER.

Who is Man's Helper?

A Helper is one who helps to achieve a certain goal.

Helpers are people who join hands with you to do some things that ordinarily you would have done it alone, they make sure they help you on your way in order to manifest.

What is Destiny?

That to which any person or thing is destined; a predetermined state; a condition foreordained by the Divine will.

This in a layman sense could be seen as that which a man is born to fulfill. 

Anything God had placed in you to fulfill is your destiny.

Some were born to be Entrepreneurs, some Pastors, some Teachers, some Doctors etc.

God as the sole Creator of Man  on earth has a purpose to which he created man for, that purpose can only be achieved by the help of the category of people know HELPERS.

A lot of Talents are wasted on the street because they could not locate their Destiny Helpers, a lot of people died in the hospital because the person who was meant to pay their bill could not locate them.

Mark 2 v 1-5, and states:

1 He entered Capernaum after  some  days, and it was heard that He was in the house.  2 Immediately a many gathered together, so that  there was no longer room to receive them, not  even near the door. And He preached the word to  them. 3 Then they came to Him, bringing a  paralytic who was carried by four men. 4 And  when they could not come near Him because of  the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He  was. So when they had broken through, they let  down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.  5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the  paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you. NKJV

As it is stated here, the sick man had the desire to be made whole but he was not able to walk up to Christ alone. He needed destiny helpers. 

The bible also stated that some people came and carried him to where Christ was be able to see and healed. 

This shows that:

(1) Without those men, Jesus wouldn't have noticed him

(2) Without those Helpers, he wouldn't have been healed

(3) Without those men, he would not have had a Testimony.

This implies that only your destiny helper is permitted to give you a divine Testimony.


1. Love God and Be Friends with Him: An earthly father goes extra miles to make sure he satisfies a child who is closer to him. Let no one deceive you, parents have favourite children.

The Joy of Getting an Unexpected Call from Helpers

Abraham was a friend of God, he lacked nothing. God made sure he never lacked.

2. Always Pray to God: Prayer is the act of talking to God. God wants you to always communicate with him, he is your father and he really appreciate it when you talk and share your problems with him. 

Mark 11 verse 24 says:

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask  when you pray, believe that you receive them,  and you will have them. NKJV

3. Faith in God: Faith can be defined as hope for things not yet seen with the physical eyes, God loves it when we pray and have Faith that he will answer our prayers.

There are times you pray and it seems as if it hasn't been answered, it is Satan trying to distort your mindset.

4. Be a Blessing to Others Whom You're Better Than: No matter how bad things may be to you, there are people you are better than. There was a time I was in need a certain amount of money to buy a Laptop, to me that was a pressing need. As I stepped out that day, I saw a blind man begging by the roadside.

That was when I learnt to be thankful for what I have. All I am saying in essence is, for your Helpers to locate you, you must first of all become a helper to someone who is in need.

That little amount can put food on a family's table and make them smile. The more you make people smile, the more God brings your Destiny Helpers.

The bible has recorded that Abraham helped Angels without knowing, if he never had sympathy, he wouldn't have thought of helping. Apply wisdom, especially with strangers, always pray for God's directives.

It's not Magic, it's the Universal Law of "Karma", one reaps what he sows, if you sow help, you will surely reap help from others. You do not need to be a billionaire to help, you can always put smile on people's faces with the little you have.

5. Give to God (Sacrifice for the works of God): Someone once said that he is not giving offering in Church again, according to him, he believed that those money are spent by human and not God. 

When I heard that, I smiled and left. For you to access that which God had kept for you, you must be ready to sacrifice by giving for the works of God.

6. Work on Yourself to discern on Opportunities: A lot of people have missed their helpers because they have not worked on themselves to be able to take advantage of helpers when they come.

For example, God said you'll be married to a Professor, you grew up and never went to school, the day the professor comes your way, you won't understand his language of communication. That will eventually lead to your helper passing you by.


1. I Receive the Power to Attract my Destiny Helpers in Jesus name

2. Lord, anything in me that will chase away my helpers, subdue it for me in the name of Jesus Christ

3. Oh Lord! Please Visit me at the point of my need this year

4. This year must be better than the previous ones in Jesus name.

As you follow these instructions, I pray that your helpers of destiny locate you in Jesus Christ name. Amen.